Dragon Land


Hi! This is a story about a hobbit who goes on an adventure. I wrote it when I was twelve years old as a story for my favourite Hobbit character, Andrea, to write. It's really childish, but I hope you'll kick out of it. :)

Once upon a time there was a young gentle hobbit named Marishet. He was a kind and normal hobbit except for one thing, he loved adventures. One day his wife began to worry and asked him if he was planning to go off again. "Dear, you're not leaving me yet again are you?" she asked. He simply nodded, "Yes," he said, "I am. I'm following a map my old uncle left me. To a place marked, 'Dragon land'. I must find out what this means." His wife bit her lip, "But Marshet!"She cried, "You've three children who need you!" he nodded again and said, "I know you will take care of them. And now, I must go." he picked up a pre-packed bag and headed out the door.

As he stepped out into the fall air, he smiled and looked at his map. According to the map he would have to go beyond the northern boundry of the Shire. He hopped on his quick and trusty pony, Fallony and rode off to Oatbarton. He stopped at the Oaten Pipe before moving on. It was a jolly inn, with many people drinking and merry-making. The curtains where plaid and the stools logs, but the place was comfortable, with a nice hearth to sit by an a good cook. At day break he started out again, riding north into a hidden path. Suddenly out of the bushes came a wild boar, and began to charge at the mounted hobbit. The fight was long, but in the end, the boar ended up roasting on a small fire and being packed for the long journey.

Marshet countinued on, striving to get there, though his pony was scared. Something rustled in the bushes, the pony reared up, and calmed down. It was only a deer, who quickly ran off. Soon he arrived at a place... it was dark, stormy and horrible. Places smelled of sulfer, charcoal and ash. He plugged his nose and rode on, his pony quite fearful. Sudenly he saw why the place was called dragon land . . . because a big dragon was sitting on a hill, bathing in the sombre light, sleeping very deeply.

The dragon was enormous. Her skin was a fiery red the likes of which a ruby in a fire would show. Her breast was a golden yellow, soft and unprotected and her ears small holes in her wedge-shaped head. Slowly the hobbit approached him, leaving his shaking horse behind, hand on the hilt of his dagger as he walked up to the great beast. Then, out of now where the nostrils flared and the dragon's emerald green eyes peered down at him angrily. She stood on her legs, and held her fore-limbs ready to strike, her wings spread and her mouth hissing. At the end on each digit on both feet and hand, was a razor-sharp claw like a diamond shard. the dragon roared in defiance as the hobbit lifted his dagger, "Foolish thing! You cannot defeat Margeth! Fly you fool, for he shall soon return!" the hobbit paused in confusion, "Aren't you Margeth?" The dragon shook its head, "I be Malarth, the queen of dragons! Be gone, for he shall return!" the hobbit gazed up in fear as a huge green dragon swooped forth and ate his pony whole, the poor beast letting out a shriek, he ran as fast as his hobbit legs could carry him, until he was deep within the hidden path.

When he finally reached Oatbarton, he had the story all planned. He entered the tavern and told them of the dragons. They all laughed, and said there was only one dragon any where near the Shire, The Green Dragon. The End!

Hope you enjoyed the story. If you have any questions or comments please email me at angewomon83@hotmail.com